
Kazan is a multicultural city, where you will find places with Georgian and Uzbek food, French coffee shops, Russian bakeries, Italian and Japanese restaurants. There is also a well-developed network of fast food joints, craft beer pubs and burger shops. Most of the restaurants have either European or Russian menu.

The local cuisine is represented by a great variety of meals. Lovers of meat pies, vegetarians and dessert connoisseurs will all find something to their taste here.



Öçpoçmaq is a Tatar word for 'triangle'. It basically is a triangular pastry with meat (beef or mutton) and potato stuffing. An excellent way of satisfying one's hunger on the go. If you have time for a full meal, we recommend ordering this pastry with traditional chicken broth. When you are in Kazan, do not forget to take a photo with a statue of a triangle - öçpoçmaq - located at the Tugan Awylym complex.



This dish is partly similar to Spanish quesadilla or Turkish gözleme. Qistibi is a wheat flatbread folded in half and filled with millet gruel or mashed potatoes. It is quite delicious, nourishing and authentically traditional. An excellent option for vegetarians.



Çäkçäk is a Tatar delicacy and a symbol of hospitality, because it is often used to greet guests with. Çäkçäk is prepared from small round or oval pieces of dough roasted in oil. The ready pieces are collected into the shape of a pyramid or a triangle and drenched in home-made liquid honey. The importance of çäkçäk in the everyday life of Tatar people and its attractiveness for tourists is supported by the fact that there is a museum of this delicacy in Kazan.



One of the main treats at large celebrations and events, but today it can be ordered in almost any coffee shop in Kazan. A great nutritious dessert for tea. Is basically a multi-layered pie with stuffings made of qurt (melted cottage cheese), boiled rice, eggs and steamed raisins.



In Kazan tea is prepared according to the traditional Tatar recipe. It can be ordered in most coffee shops and restaurants. A usual ingredient is thyme, but sometimes it is substituted by mint. Tatar tea is served with dried fruit or milk.