Public Transport

Kazan has a well-developed city public transportation network. The city takes good care of the environment so electrical modes of transportation — trams, trolleybuses and metro — are rapidly developed. Next to every metro station we have an overland transportation stop, which allows passengers to get to any part of the city with ease.

Transport in Kazan

  • Buses
  • Metro
  • Taxi
  • Trolleybuses
  • Trams

Free travel pass

Travel using all modes of city public transportation (buses, trolleybuses, trams, metro) on match days will be free from 00:00 till 23:59. The condition for a free pass is showing the ticket inspector the ticket for a Kazan match taking place on the current date and the FAN ID.

Fan ID
Free travel pass


You can call a taxi to get around the city. You can book your taxi online or by phone.


Kazan metro service deserves special attention. It is the first metro network in Russia to have been constructed after the collapse of the USSR. It is rightfully considered to be one of the important sights of the city. The design concept of every station is unique and reflects either its name or the history of its location area.